Saturday, November 15, 2008

Great day for a march.

It turned out to be a beautiful day here in San Diego, making it the perfect day for a march.  Along with most major cities, San Diego was hosting its own march against Proposition 8.  According to rumors, over 25,000 people showed up (ranking San Diego number one in the largest number of marchers that marched yesterday) in protest of the proposition that passed back on November 4th.  I'll admit, even I was shocked that so many friends and neighbors turned out to march from Balboa Park to the administration building downtown.  What was even more spectacular was the fact that not all of us were gay.  Just as many straight people showed up, armed with signs, whistles, dogs and whatever.  It was great.  I saw a few friends, old neighbors and spent most of the march, walking alongside John, Wes and Lee.  
I guess this turned out to be the best day to reconnect with old exes too.  In addition to hanging with the present ex (John), I ran into another ex later in the afternoon.   Long after the march had ended and I'd commuted back to Hillcrest from downtown to retrieve my bike, I ran into Raymond, while browsing the racks at Buffalo Exchange.  We stood, talking and looking through the racks of second hand clothes and finally ended up having lunch together.  
All in all, it was a great day for a march.  I voted against Proposition 8 and I'm almost certain that the people that I know did as well, but still I shudder to think that there are those who voted in support of it.  
Here's some pics from the march.  

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