Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day.

This morning found me alive and full of excitement.  For once, it wasn't a struggle to pull myself out of bed.  I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time. 
It was the first day of school.  
I'd survived to see the first day of the fall semester at San Diego City College and I was ready to charge forward.  Even with everything that's going on in my life these days, I managed somehow to lift my spirits in anticipation of attending my classes.  I was looking forward to seeing my old friends and teachers not to mention, I couldn't wait to see all of the new hot guys that would be strolling around campus.  I would only have to attend one class this afternoon, but I intended to be on campus early enough to walk around and check out all of the newbies even though last year, I was a newbie myself.  
I set about my normal routine of getting ready for school only now there were some slight changes.  Whereas last year, I spent a great deal of money on Starbucks, this year I was making coffee at home.  The 10 minute bike commute hadn't changed and I pedaled my bike as fast as I could down Park Boulevard, iPod blasting in my ears, my head floating from the pot that I smoked before I left the house.  
I love school!  
The City college campus was buzzing with students crossing the quads, heading to their classes.  From the long, blank looks on the faces of the guys and girls that passed me up, I could tell that they weren't as excited as I was.  It was funny actually:  whereas I felt like I could backflip across the courtyard to show how excited I was, these students were sort of dragging their feet, engaged in their text messaging.  
I saw a few familiar faces while I waited for my algebra class to convene.  We all talked about how we were actually ready to get back to school.  I was informed that none of the old gang from my classes last year would be in any of them this year.  It was a bit of a disappointment, but I was able to shrug it off.  
My algebra class, it turns out was crowded with a few of us having to stand outside the classroom.  Of course there were a few students that were crashing the class and a few more who had no idea where they were.  Me, I stood outside in the walkway talking to a new guy who, it turns out, is not only very hot looking, but a nice guy as well.  
This is going to be a great semester.  I can TASTE it! 

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